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María José, Manu, Nacho & David during the EED meting in Naples

Ignacio (Nacho) Maeso

Group Leader


I am an Associate Professor at the Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics Department at the University of Barcelona. My research interests focus on the early stages of the origin of molecular novelties and how biological systems establish new interactions with other systems for the first time. I also have a keen interest on the evolution of gene regulation in animals.


Beatriz Loría Vinueza

Lab Manager


I am a Biologist with a MSc in Genetics and Genomics interested in evolution and developmental genetics. In the team, I assist with the experimental work and with the project administration.



Alberto Pineda-Santaella

Postdoctoral Researcher


I am interested in cell biology and the genetics and genomics bases of chromosomal organization. I use different species of yeast as a model system, trying to understand how genetic perturbations can lead to the evolution of novelties.


María José López-Fernández

PhD Student


I am a Biomedicist with a MSc in Criminology and Forensic Science. I am interested in genome evolution and the origin of new regulatory interactions. For this reason, my PhD focuses on unexpected interactions of transcription factors with chromatin using zebrafish as a model organism


Manuel Fernández-Moreno

PhD Student (co-supervised with Manuel Irimia)


Fascinated by the evolutionary role of transposons and convergent evolution. Pursuing a PhD in transposon biology, unravelling how retroviral genes have been repurposed for neuroplasticity through a combination of two model organisms and in silico approaches.

David Ricote

PhD Student


I work at the crossroads between Biology and Philosophy, reevaluating the Genotype and Phenotype Theory and trying to iunderstand how we conceive biological subjects.

Marta S. Magri

PhD Student (Co-supervised by the late José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta)


I am a biologist fascinated by the diversity of livings forms. In my PhD, I investigate developmental and evolutionary dynamics of cis-regulatory elements in marine deuterostomes.

Can be contacted for references

Panos N. Firbas

Panos was a former PhD student co-supervised with José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta at the CABD. He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the de Polavieja lab at the Champalimaud Foundation.

Inma Vázquez Gutierrez

Inma did her Master thesis with us. Currently, she is a PhD student at the Carnero lab, at the IBIS.

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